Excuse our dust while we craft your dream spa space! Your patience through our remodeling symphony is truly appreciated.


During Your Stay
Fully immerse your being into a plunge of cleansing and becoming whole again, while being tenderly held and nurtured throughout by our practitioners, therapists, and entire staff.

  • Welcome and Closing Ceremonies
  • Daily Rituals– fire ceremonies, breathwork, yoga, and meditation..
  • Nutrition – Kitchari and Ayurvedic dishes to support your healing process
  • 1:1 Consultations – daily check-ins with your Ayurvedic Practitioner.
  • Three Daily Ayurvedic Therapies – Abhyanga, Swedana and Shirodhara
  • One Chakra Symphony – color therapy
  • Daily Resort Activities – sound healing, forest bathing.



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    For questions or bookings, please contact us at
    Email: reservations@sohumhealing.com
    Reservations: (828) 360-8280
    Frontdesk: (828) 255-0690
    or click below to book a call


    One of our Ayurvedic Ambassadors will be delighted to assist you with your inquiries.

    Interested in working at SoHum? Please click below to see the job openings for an opportunity to join our Award-Winning Team at SoHum.